Effects of petroleum sulfonate on the OMA structure in shengli oilfield produced water
中文关键词: Zeta电位;石油磺酸盐;油矿物聚集体;油水分离;致富相
英文关键词: Zeta Potential;Petroleum Sulphonate(TRS);OMA(oil mineral aggregates);Separation of oil and water;Dense phase
基金项目:Supported by. National Key Technology R&D Program of China,2008BAC43B02
李淑玲 济宁医学院基础学院, 山东济宁 272067 
丁林 济宁医学院药学院, 山东日照 276826 
孙珊珊 济宁医学院药学院, 山东日照 276826 
摘要点击次数: 5176
全文下载次数: 1043
      目的 为提高油田采出水的处理效率,研究采出水稳定性机理,考察表面活性剂对污水中OMA结构及油水分离的影响。方法 通过zeta电位的测定及油水分离情况,研究了石油磺酸盐对胜利油田原油与蒙脱土之间形成的OMA结构的影响。结果 在一定程度范围内,OMA zeta电位随石油磺酸盐浓度的增加而增加,而且当log[(w)(TRS)/%]自-3到-1.75之间变化时,OMA的zeta电位高于油滴及蒙脱土zeta电位,但当log[(w)(TRS)/%]处在-1.75~-0.25之间时,OMA的zeta电位低于油滴的zeta电位。另一方面,由于蒙脱土和油滴吸附了石油磺酸盐,增强了其水化作用,使得OMA含水量增加,导致了OMA携带了大量的水上浮,从而使得油水分离难度增加。然而当石油磺酸盐浓度处于0.3%~0.5%时,石油磺酸盐浓度足够高时,由于石油磺酸盐的分散能力较强,导致了油滴变小,OMA中结合的固体颗粒减少,使得固体颗粒与油滴之间的相互作用力降低,导致上层液油滴析出。结论 石油磺酸盐的存在增加了油水分离难度。但当其浓度足够高时,分散能力增强,可拆散污水中的OMA结构,使油析出。
      Objective In order to improve the treatment efficiency of the produced water from oilfield, and investigate the mechanism of the stability of the waste water, the influence of surfactant on the oil mineral aggregate(OMA) structure and separation of oil from water was studied.Methods The effects of petroleum sulfonate on the structure of OMAs formed by montmroillonite and crude oil from Shengli oilfield were investigated by measuring the zeta potential and separation of oil and water.Results The results indicated that the zeta potential of the OMA became more negative with the increasing petroleum sulfonate concentrations to some extent, and the zeta potentials of the OMA were higher than that of the oil droplets and montmorillonite when log[(w)(TRS)/%]changed from -3 to -1.75, but the zeta potentials of OMA were lower than that of oil droplets when log[(w)(TRS)/%]changed from -1.75 to -0.25.In other hand there was more water incorporated into OMAs because of the enhanced hydration ability of the montmorillonite and oil droplets by adsorption the petroleum sulfonate.And as a result, the OMA floated to the upper layer accompanied by much more water which made it difficult to separate oil water from oilfield.However, water content was decreased and some oil was released from the upper layer when the concentration of the TRS was in the range of 0.3%~0.5%.It was because that the dispersive ability of the TRS increased and the oil droplet became smaller, then fewer solid fines was required to form OMA structure and the bonding force between the oil droplet and the solid fine particle was weakened when the concentration of the TRS was high enough.Conclusion The separation of oil from water become difficult because of the existence of the TRS.However, the petroleum sulfonate could be used as chemical dispersant as the concentration was high enough, and the oil can be released from the waste water.
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