Multiple factor analysis on job burnout among grassroots public health personnel
中文关键词: 职业倦怠;公共卫生人员;影响因素
英文关键词: Job burnout;Public health personnel;Influencing factors
顾怀婷 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 山东济宁 272067 
李晶 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 山东济宁 272067 
摘要点击次数: 5069
全文下载次数: 1130
      目的 了解山东省基层公共卫生人员职业性倦怠现状及其影响因素,为提高其健康水平和工作质量提供科学依据。方法 采取分层整群抽样的方式选取胶州市、兖州市、邹城市及嘉祥县585名基层公共卫生人员作为调查对象,运用自行设计的一般人口学调查问卷、职业性倦怠调查问卷(MBI-GS)、社会支持评定量表及生存质量测定简表进行调查。结果 基层公共卫生人员的职业倦怠中情绪耗竭发生率为7.6%,消极倦怠发生率为9.1%,专业低效能感为10.6%。多因素分析显示,抑郁、呼吸系统疾病是导致情绪耗竭的主要因素,家庭支持中的主观支持、成功感是减低情绪耗竭的主要因素;精神病、客观支持、神经系统疾病是增加消极怠慢的主要因素,而朋友支持、主观满意度、主观支持、成功感是降低消极怠慢的主要因素;婚姻的变故、成功感和心理领域是影响专业低效能的主要因素。结论 基层公共卫生人员职业倦怠的发生与身心健康、社会支持程度、生活质量有关,因此要做好多方面预防与干预,提高基层公共卫生人员的身心健康水平与社会支持程度,改善其生活质量,防范职业倦怠的产生。
      Objective To study the status of job burnout among grass-roots public health personel in Shandong, and find out the the effect factors, in order to provide the scientific basis for decisions on improving their health and work quality.Methods Stratified and cluster sampling was used and 584 public health personnel from Jiaozhou of Qingdao City, Jiaxiang, Yanzhou, Zoucheng of Jining City were investigated with MBI-GS, WHO QOL-BREF and Perceived Social Support Scale.Results The rate of the emotional exhaustion was 7.6%;the rate of cymcism was 9.1%;the diminished professional efficacy was 10.6%.The Multi-factor analysis indicated that the depression and respiratory diseases could increase the likelihood of emotional exhaustion, while the subjective support and the personal accomplishment could reduce the likelihood of emotional exhaustion.The results showed that the psychotic symptoms, objective support nervous system disease were important factors to cause cymcism.However, the friends' support, the subjective satisfaction, the subjective support and the personal accomplishment were main factors which could decrease the likelihood of cymcism.The marital upheaval, the personal accomplishment and the psychological status were considered to affect the diminished professional efficacy.Conclusion There were many factors related with job burnout, such as the physical and mental health, the social support and the quality of life.More efforts should be made on improving the physical and mental health, the social support and the quality of life of grassroots public health personnel.
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