Research on tolerance limit of rats to hepatic inflow oculusion with half-hepatic artery supply retained
中文关键词: 肝切除术;保留半肝动脉血供;肝血流阻断;安全时限;Wistar大鼠
英文关键词: Rats;Hepatic inflow occlusion with half-hepatic artery supply;Tolerance limit
穆振国 日照市中医医院, 山东日照 276800 
王新伟 日照市中医医院, 山东日照 276800 
王洪远 日照市中医医院, 山东日照 276800 
梁静雅 日照市中医医院, 山东日照 276800 
李建新 日照市中医医院, 山东日照 276800 
张林 日照市中医医院, 山东日照 276800 
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全文下载次数: 1096
      目的 探讨门静脉自然转流及非转流情况下保留半肝动脉血供肝血流阻断的安全时限。方法 将实验用雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为A、B、C组。A组保留肝左、肝中动脉血供及尾状叶动脉、门静脉血供(约占全肝5%),夹闭肝左、肝中叶门静脉,结扎肝右叶肝蒂,到预定阻断时相点,恢复肝脏灌流,切除肝右叶及尾状叶,24h后检测ALT、肝脏HE染色(细胞核)阳性面积的平均百分数及术后7d存活率。B组不保留尾状叶动脉、门静脉血供,其他与A组相同。C组完全阻断肝脏入肝血流,肝切除方式及检测指标与A组相同。结果 在A、B、C 3组中,A组的阻断形式对肝脏的损害最轻,B组次之,C组最重。A/100、B/40与C/20损害程度相当。结论 大鼠门静脉转流下保留半肝动脉血供入肝血流阻断的安全时限是100min,单纯保留半肝动脉血供入肝血流阻断组的安全时限是40min。
      Objective To study the tolerance limit of rats to hepatic inflow occlusion with half-hepatic artery supply retained and together with portal vein blood bypass or not.Methods Rats were randomly divided into three groups(group A, B and C).The left and middle hepatic artery supply were remained in both A and B group, and caudate lobe supply(Including part of artery and portal vein supply of caudate lobe, about 5% in total hepatic blood supply) was together remained in the A group while not remained in the B group.The hepatic inflow were completely blocked in the C group.In both A and B groups, liver perfusion were blocked by clamping the left and the middle branches of portal vein and ligating the hepatic pedicle of the right liver lobe, and then recovered and right liver lobe and caudate liver lobe were cut at the scheduled time.Blood ALT values, HE staining positive rate of liver cells and rats survival rate within 7 days were recorded.Results Liver damage in the group A is the smallest, the group B bigger than A, and the biggest damage is in the group C.Damage to A/100, B/40 and C/20 is in the same level.Conclusion 100 min is the tolerance limit of hepatic inflow occlusion rats with portal vein blood bypass and half-hepatic artery supply retained, while 40 min is the tolerance limit of half-hepatic artery supply retained rats without portal vein blood bypass.
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